Hello and Welcome!

This is me and my littlest helper, when Measure My Tribe was just getting started!

This is me and my littlest helper, when Measure My Tribe was just getting started!

I am so glad you are here! I am Louise, Measure My Tribe is my fourth baby, created by accident and filling a space in my life that I didn’t know existed. As busy farming parents, we knew the option of heading back into the formal workplace after the birth of our third child was not the right option for us.

I created a number of family charts as gifts for close friends, and then suddenly Measure My Tribe was born- taking over our shed and hearts for good. I am so glad the pieces I create spread joy to homes all across Australia.


Our charts now take pride of place in homes across Australia.

We work as a husband and wife family team to ensure a whole lot of love, pride and attention to detail goes into each and every one of our handcrafted products.

All our charts are made from dressed pine and we utilise high quality adhesive vinyl finished with a double coating of clear gloss to ensure the longevity of our product

Have questions? Check out our FAQ page for more about our process, or just send us a message!